Thursday, April 21, 2022

B.A.D. Movie of the Week: House of Gucci

House of Gucci (2021)

Directed by Ridley Scott

Screenplay by Becky Johnston and Roberto Bentivegna

Based on the book by Sara Gay Forden 

Stars: Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Jared Leto, Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, Salma Hayak and Jack Huston

I was looking for to the movie for the longest time when it was shooting early last year. Hearing the negative reviews about this movie, it made me stay away until now. This movie is a doozy.

This movie chronicles the time between 1972 to 1997. The film tries to focus of the relationship between Patrizia Reggiani (Lady Gaga) and Maurizio Gucci (Driver), but it bogged down with a lot of side characters that have nothing to do with anything.

Confusing. That's what this movie was. You have no idea where the movie takes place in. What time period are we in? Who was the person? Are they important? Why is the movie so gray? Why is Salma Hayak in this movie? Who cast Jared Leto in this movie? Why (in general)?

The movie was not cohesive. If it was about the trial with flashbacks to when Patrizia and Maurizio met, their marriage, Patrizia's ambition, her "affair" with Pina Auriemma (Hayak) interwoven. Something.

The movie was business meetings; endless business meetings about the Gucci brand, selling the company to XYZ person, avoiding tax evasions charges. I don't understand the purpose of this film. It was not entertaining. It was too long, tedious and boring.

Rating: 3/10

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