Blade Runner (1982)
Directed by Ridley Scott
Screenplay by Hampton Fancher and David Webb Peoples
Based on the novel, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Phillip K. Dick
Currently #125 of the Top 250 Films of All Time on IMDb (as of this posting)
Stars: Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Howard, Daryl Hannah, Brion James, Joe Turkel, William Sanderson, M. Emmet Walsh, Edward James Olmos and Joanna Cassidy
For the longest time, people were talking, comparing, remembering or call back to Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. People was saying that it was awesome. I kinda felt out of the loop that I didn't know what people were talking about with this movie. The film was nominated for two Oscars for Best Art Direction and Best Visual Effects. This is like the thinking man's action movie and I enjoyed it.
In the not too distant future -- roughly seven years from now -- Dr. Eldon Tyrell (Turkel) created robots known as "replicants" that were like humans with superior strength and agility that were used as slave labor for the colonization of other inhabitable planets. A revolt by the replicants has made them illegal aliens essentially to the planet Earth. Any replicants that were found on Earth would be killed on sight by blade runners. A police chief, Bryant (Walsh) is informed that four replicants have broken away from exile and come to Earth. He needs to find the best blade runner to "retire" them who is retired, Rick Deckard (Ford).
I will just get this out of the way. I felt that same way like I did with Total Recall. The original, not the remake. I felt that "future" the filmmakers portrayed looked very dated. I can understand that it was eighties and everything has to being dark and dirty with car that look like flying tin cans.
Now, that is out of the way. I can focus on the good things with this film. The replicants of the films are not the bad guys, per se. They are beings that are existing that want to have more life that limited four years lifespan that they have. The movie makes you question you own mortality. Robots should not be able to have emotions, but the replicants of the movie do. Harrison Ford has made a different kind of hero like he did with Hans Solo and Indiana Jones. Deckard felt like unlikely hero that wants to do his job and go home. There was a romance between Ford and Sean Young's character, Rachael that I thought was handled beautifully. It wasn't forced or tacked on. I like that.
My Rating
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