Tuesday, August 9, 2022


They/Them (2022)

Written and directed by John Logan

Stars: Theo Germaine, Kevin Bacon, Carrie Preston, Anna Chlumsky, Hayley Griffith, Boone Platt, Austin Crute, Quei Tann, Monique Kim, Anna Lore, Cooper Koch and Darwin del Fabro

The concept of this movie was intriguing to me. A horror film with queer characters in them. It doesn't happen that often. I tried to watch this film last weekend, but I got bored. Watching it again, still bored with it.

A group of teenagers are brought to a conversion facility, Whistler Camp, led by Owen Whistler (Bacon). One of the campers, Jordan (Germaine) has the sneaking suspicion that the camp is not what it appears to be. It's true with a masked killer picks people off one by one.

My mindset watching the movie is what is the tone? It was trying to be a harrowing drama, a slasher film with some comedy sprinkled in. It didn't mold together for an entertaining movie.

The most baffling character of the movie is Owen Whistler. He tries to be an "open minded" person running a conversion camp. His soliloquy about being yourself, blah, blah, blah one minute and then intentionally misgendering someone the next. It's not a cute look.

All of the characters are very stereotypical; the closet case, the Broadway queen, self-hating lesbian, the butch stud, the token human punching bag, etc. The movie felt disgusting with the "therapy sessions" that take a turn.

This is horror movie. Very boring one. The kills between the first and the next one was LONG. I was wondering, nobody is talking about this person being missing. No? Okay. It felt like John Logan was trying to the bare minimum. He had this story brewing for years. Fine. It doesn't work as a horror movie, a thriller or anything.

Rating: 3/10

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