Directed by Antoine Fuqua
Screenplay by Bill Collage
Stars: Will Smith, Ben Foster, Charmaine Bingwa, Gilbert Owuor, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Aaron Moten, Michael Luwoye, Steven Ogg, Grant Harvey, Mustafa Shakir, Paul Ben-Victor, Jesse C. Boyd, and David Denman
There was not a mention with this movies for months after the incident at the Oscars. Rumors were swirling that the film was pushed to 2023. Turns out not to be true. There was some Oscar talk with Smith here. I am judging the film on merit only. It's fine.
During the Civil War, a slave Peter (Smith) hears that President Lincoln has implemented the Emancipation Proclamation. Hearing this, he has an idea to escape from his slavers toward freedom.
The first moments of the film I could tell that the movie was either shot in black and white or in color with heavy saturation on it. Turns out that it was both. This immediately took me out of the experience.
It seems that the movie was trying to be tough to watch to invoke some sort of response for the audience. I don't think that Fuqua succeeded in this regard. The film was too long for it own good. The central story line has been done before with The Revenant, The Odyssey or Cold Mountain. This is nothing new. It tried, but it failed to hook me.
Smith's performance is solid. I didn't know that Peter was supposed to be Haitian. He had moments in an uneven movie.
Rating: 5/10
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