Thursday, March 10, 2022

Terrible Movie Thursday - Manos: The Hands of Fate

 Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)

Written and directed by Harold P. Warren

Stars: Harold P. Warren, Diane Adelson, Jackey Neyman, Tom Neyman and John Reynolds

During my research of this movie, I found out that there was a MST3000 episode. I need to watch it. It would make the movie somewhat enjoyable to watch this awfulness.

I understand that this movie is a cult classic. Wow. This is a home movie that accidentally had a theatrical release.

If you don't know anything about this story, it's about a couple, Michael (Warren) and Margaret (Adelson) are driving out in the desert with their kid, Debbie (J. Neyman) when the family stumbles upon this building? farm? commune? where a cult lives.

I was confused. Were the actors lines dubbed? The dialogue was not syncing with their lip movements. Why was Torgo (Reynolds) dressed like a hobo? Was The Master (Neyman), Manos? Was he worshiping Manos? Was Manos a god? What happened at the end of the movie? Why the hell happened?

For a movie that was sixty-eight minutes long, there were some boring parts.

Rating: 1/10

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