Thursday, May 12, 2022

B.A.D Movie of the Week: Plan 9 from Outer Space

Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957)

Written and directed by Edward D. Wood Jr.

Stars:  Gregory Walcott, Tom Keene, Mona McKinnon, Duke Moore, Carl Anthony, Tor Johnson, Dudley Manlove, Joanna Lee, Vampira and Bela Lugosi

I have heard of the B movie director, Ed Wood for a number of years. I have never seen any of his movies. I knew that they were not good. Oh, boy. This movie was a lot of digest.

An airplane pilot (Walcott) sees a flying saucer out of the window of the cockpit. A chain of events happens when the "aliens?" try to stop mankind for making a bomb more destructive that the hydrogen bomb.

I saw the color version of the movie. The movie confused with the intentions of the "aliens." They say that they are advanced beings, because of the "aliens," Eros (Manlove) wanted to resurrect the newly dead. For what purpose?

I did not get what was happening. Having Vampira and Bela Lugosi there seemed out of place. I thought that the resurrected were vampires. Nope. They were supposed to be zombies.

I understand that Wood did not have the biggest budgets in the world, but some sets were literally made of cardboard. 

Overall the movie was boring to me. I didn't hate the movie. I was whelmed.

Rating: 3/10

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