Sunday, November 20, 2022

Armageddon Time

Armageddon Time (2022)

Written and directed by James Gray

Stars: Banks Repeta, Anne Hathaway, Jeremy Strong, Jaylin Webb, Anthony Hopkins, Tovah Feldshuh, John Diehl, Ryan Sell, and Jessica Chastain

Can I say this out front? I hate the movie title. Atrocious. I was hearing that the movie was getting buzz for Anne Hathaway's performance and possibly Anthony Hopkins. I completely forgot that this movie came out in theaters until I saw it on Twitter. 

In this semi-autobiographical look at James Gray's life in 1980 New York City. Gray's avatar is Paul Graff (Repeta), a 11-year-old that dreams of being an artist one day. He and his friend, Johnny (Webb) get into constant trouble. The plot gets a bit muddy.

The truth is that I zoned out in this movie. I understand that the movie is very personal for James Gray. Cool. I cannot empathize with a Jewish boy living with his conservative family in the 1980s.

I get that Gray wanted to make a commentary about race relations, family dynamics and all that. The movie did not move me enough to care about what was happening to the characters. I did not care for Paul's older brother, Ted (Sell). He was being a huge asshole. He can fuck off. The father, Irving (Strong) was awful. The dynamic is the family was odd.

I didn't mind Hathaway or Hopkins in the film. They were serviceable. It felt like the movie was paint by numbers that I knew what was going to happen before it does. It felt like one of those Oscar baity movies that try to get a nomination and failing.

Rating: 4/10

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